Grant Opportunities in the
St. Johnsville-Fort Plain Area

The Adam & Nellie Horn Foundation supports a broad range of causes that aid in the progress and improvement of the St. Johnsville-Fort Plain area.

Heritage, The term evokes strong emotions. Pride in our roots.
Love for those who shaped us. Passion for the place we call home.

Who We Are

Heritage, The term evokes strong emotions. Pride in our roots. Love for those who shaped us. Passion for the place we call home. Muriel Odell Horn exuded them all.

To Muriel, the St. Johnsville-Fort Plain community was the cherished setting of her childhood, filled with precious relationships and treasured growing-up experiences. Central to them were her parents, Adam J. Horn and Nellie O. Horn, who exemplified the qualities and values that became the standards by which she lived her own life.

These influences would converge to forge not only Muriel's personal success, but also a wonderful resource to benefit the community she loved and its people forever.

What Causes Does The Foundation Support?

Reflecting Muriel's diversity of interests, at her direction grants from the Foundation can support a broad range of causes that aid in the progress and improvement of the St. Johnsville-Fort Plain area and its facilities. Among them are supervised youth activities; religious and community recreational programs; accommodations and recreation for seniors; and establishing and maintaining public parks, including the planting and care of trees and shrubbery for beautification purposes.

In her foresight, however, Muriel provided that the foundation's scope can be even broader, enabling its trustees to assist causes serving virtually any type charitable, scientific, religious, literary, educational or civic purpose, as long as the provider is a qualifying non-profit organization and the project is in need of support.

Board of Directors

Rev. Carol D. Jubenville

Divine Development & Leadership Group LLC
Clinton, NY

John L. Kirkpatrick

Kirkpatrick & Kirkpatrick, PC
Ft. Plain, NY

William F. Locke, CFA

CEO & President
Adirondack Financial Services Corp.
Utica, NY

Grant Guidelines

The Adam & Nellie Horn Foundation supports a broad range of causes that aid in the progress and improvement of the St. Johnsville-Fort Plain area.

Grant Writing Assistance

Grant writing is a specialized kind of narrative that requires you to share specific information about your organization and the project that is under consideration for funding.

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Susan D. Smith, the Foundation's grants management consultant for assistance via email or by phone 315.749.6814.

Success Stories

Frequently Asked Questions

How often does the Horn Foundation make grants?

The Adam & Nellie Horn Foundation has one grant cycle annually. Applications are accepted from August through mid-October, with decisions rendered on or before December 31.

Who is eligible for a grant from the Horn Foundation?

The Adam & Nellie Horn Foundation supports a broad range of causes that aid in the progress and improvement of the St. Johnsville-Fort Plain area. Organizations outside that geographic area that predominantly serve the people of St. Johnsville and Fort Plain may also be considered. The Foundation does not make grants to individuals.

How do I apply for a grant?

I think I may need some help completing the grant application. Can someone from the Horn Foundation help me?

Yes, the Horn Foundation is more than happy to provide technical assistance, especially if this is your organization's first time making an application. Contact us at to request assistance.

I'm not sure how much funding our organization should ask for. Is there a limit?

The Adam & Nellie Horn Foundation will typically consider support up to $5,000. In rare instances, the Trustees of the Foundation may decide to award a larger amount at their discretion. Organizations should be prepared in their project budgets to demonstrate what is needed from the Horn Foundation, where else funding will be sought, and how project funds will be spent. The grant application and guidelines provide sample project budgets that your organization may use to develop its own budget.

Who makes the grant decisions?

The grants management consultant for the Horn Foundation receives and reviews all proposals that are submitted. The Trustees of the Adam & Nellie Horn Foundation meet in November and make their decisions. Award and decline letters are mailed before the end of December.

If my organization received a grant last year, may we apply again this year?

Yes, organizations may submit a proposal every year. There is no "sitting out" period for previous grantees.

If we received grant support for our project, completed the project successfully, but not all the money was used, what should we do?

Sometimes, organizations do not use all the money that has been granted to them. If that happens, please contact the Foundation at to arrange for return of any unused funds.

We received a grant for our project and have found that we need to make some changes in how we use the funds awarded. What should we do?

It is expected that grant support will be used for the purpose outlined in the grant application. If something should change with your project, please contact the Foundation first at to see whether or not the funds awarded may be directed to a related purpose.

If our project does not receive a grant, may we re-submit the same project again in another grant cycle?

If a project is declined, it usually means that it will not be considered in another grant cycle. On occasion, however, the Trustees may issue a decline and invite an organization to resubmit the same project the following year. The same project should not be submitted again unless the Trustees extend an invitation to do so.

Do you have other, general questions you would like answered? Please feel free to submit them to us at and we will include them in our FAQ's.